Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here's my daily draw. You're looking at the reddish veil of a cone nebula, apparently a star-forming cluster of gas and dust. The darker part is vaguely priestess-shaped, and gives a clear view through the nebula to the universe beyond. When I saw this image, I finally understood the meaning of the High Priestess card. I almost drove off the road when it hit home. It is not about a woman. It is about her perception that lets her see through the veil of ordinary matter to the reality beyond. Here she is, invisible, allowing a clear view to the universe. Here is her knowledge: she lets go of the ego, and merges with the reality beyond her chronological time and physical space. Superimposed on the card is the wheel commonly seen on the Wheel of Fortune, which can only be read as it completes its turns; its individual letters mean nothing. It is appropriately placed here, as the High Priestess sees the big picture, the whole, rather than the individual components. Three cheers, I say, to Chris Butler for this brilliant stroke, doing away with swaddled priestesses clutching closed books, in front of "veils" of heavy brocade. Less is more.

Although it is adequate, I am afraid the card description was a bit of an anticlimax after this pictorial tour de force. It speaks of the least obvious force, weak force, being responsible for particle decay and apparent disappearance, when the particle has merely become two particles. Weak force is likened to the High Priestess' hidden knowledge. Self-examination is advised, for the answer is to be found within.


  1. Ah, I love those "drive off the road" moments when the deeper meaning of a card hits home. And hurray for the written description being a letdown, strange as that may sound -- apparently your inner resources are already richer and more profound than the external ones.

  2. While I can see the HP causing a 'slam on your breaks' kind of knowledge, the concept of her 'doing away with swaddled priestesses clutching closed books, in front of "veils" of heavy brocade' isn't how I see this card at all. I wonder at my own love of RWS because I see this concept of the HP as guarding a secret. My own interp gives that secret to all who are willing to see beyond the gauze.

    The big experiment for me is how others look at same cards in different decks. The adventure has proven to be a harder one than I might have imagined. Will be working on this thought on my own for a while. Thanks for getting the cogs turning.

    Much love - Seafra/Nancy

  3. The image is stunning. Thanks for sharing your thoughts... very cool epiphany!

  4. Hurrah for the visuals! Have been reading everyone's blogs today and I'm too drained now to sayt anything remotely intelligent! So it's just a "Gurgle, hee hee, pretty lights!" and a bit hug from me today! :)
