Friday, February 6, 2009


Having vowed last October to improve my tarot skills, I was delighted to "discover" Aeclectic Tarot online. The galaxy of deck samples had me busy oohing and aahing for a week: I felt as though I were swimming in tarot, hence my webname. Although my Rider-Waite-Smith deck no doubt has much more to teach me, I feel that I need to step away from it and see the tarot with fresh eyes, through different decks. I went wild and ordered the three decks that most appealed to me (and were available, and in budget): the Quantum, the Revelations, and the DruidCraft. I have a mental note to check into a few others, next year, if I'm feeling rich.

I was also delighted to discover a Personal Deck Reflection thread in the Talking Tarot section of Aeclectic Tarot, started by Kilted Kat, and enthusiastically joined by a growing list of people. It seems like the project is the kick in the *** that a lot of us need, to buckle down and learn, with online study-buddies keeping an eye on us, and making sure we don't slack off. Or at least the little Mom-voice in the back of my head is telling me to do a good job, because everyone's watching! Several of us are also receiving the side benefit of being forced to learn how to blog, and otherwise use the nifty possibilities that the amazing webworld has to offer. All in all, an energizing start to the new year!

My thanks to Aeclectic Tarot, Kilted Kat, study buddies, and the creators of all those beautiful tarot decks! I will post again after my decks have arrived, and after I have received publisher permission to use card images, should they be so gracious.


  1. Can I slack off just a little, now and again...?! ;)

  2. great blog name! it pretty much sums up how i felt after finding AT... so which deck are you going to focus on this year? i look forward to more posts!

  3. Three very different decks, and all quite different from your RWS. I'll be interested to hear what you think of each, when you have them in your hands.

  4. Looking foreward to more posts as well and thank you for reminding me to email Paulina Cassidy for permission to use her card images on my blog. /sheepish blush

    I got so carried away by the deck I didn't even ask. But I rectified it tonight. I hope she says yes. If not, I'll remove the images right away.
